7月後半の課題添削 (7/31までにご応募ください)
Are you a mountain person or a beach person?
あなたは、旅行に行くとしたら、"山"と"海"のどちらに行くのが好きですか? 「ビーチでのんびりする」、「山でハイキング」などそれぞれの楽しみ方を考えて、好きな方を選び、選んだ理由をショートエッセイで記述してください。
I definitely prefer spending time in the mountains. You never know what's around the next corner, so it's a lot like going on an adventure. If you get too hot, you can usually find a shady tree to sit under or a cold stream to dip your feet into. There is also a good chance that you will come across some wildlife. I recommend packing a lunch and stopping somewhere along the way to have a picnic. If you do, just make sure there aren't any bears around. The beach is okay for a quick stroll just before sunset, but the mountains are where I like to go when I really want to experience nature.