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夏の電力不足が心配されており、節電を心がける必要があります。節電のため、エアコンを使わない状況を想定して 「エアコン(クーラー)なしで夏を涼しく過ごすためのアドバイス」を考えてエッセイ形式で記述してください。 



There are a lot of ways to keep cool without an air conditioner. One of the easiest ways is to use a fan and a bowl of ice. These days you can buy fans that run on batteries. Invest in a good one and make sure you get rechargeable batteries to be more environmentally friendly. Once you have the fan, put it somewhere in your place where it will circulate the air as much as possible. Then, put a whole bunch of ice cubes in a bowl and place them in front of the fan. As the ice melts, cool air floats upwards. The fan will circulate the cool air around your place to cool things down. You won't even miss your air conditioner.
