5月後半の課題添削 (5/31日までにご応募ください)
あなたは海外のアパートに滞在中です。 借りている部屋に問題が起きています。 オーナーにメールを出して問題を説明して修復を依頼してください。 問題は以下の3つから1つ選ぶか、または独自に考えていただいてもかまいません。
- a leaky faucet
- a window that sticks or won't close properly
- a squeaky door
Hello Mr. Davis,
This is Jun in 306. Do you remember you told me to email you if I had any problems? Well, I think there is something wrong with the light in my kitchen. The bulb has burned out three times in the last two weeks. The first one I replaced lasted six days, the second one only four. The third one blew just now. I think there is something wrong with the socket. I use 'eco friendly' bulbs so it's getting kind of expensive. Can you come and have a look ASAP? On weekdays I'm home from work around 5:00. Anytime after that would be great. Just let me know.
Thanks in advance,