5月前半の課題添削 (5/15日までにご応募ください)
実名投稿に"賛成"、または"反対"である理由をまとめ、エッセイ形式で記述してください。 ライティング形式は自由です。 パラグラフ単位に意見を記述したアカデミックスタイル、また短くまとめたショートオピニオンエッセイでもかまいません。
I think people should have to use their real names when posting on the Internet. The Internet is full of rude, disrespectful comments. A big reason for this is because people usually use 'nicknames' or 'handle names' when they post on the Internet. It's easy to say (write) anything you want when your name is not connected. I believe people would be much more polite if their own name was attached to what they write. They would be much more careful about what they post because they would be concerned about their 'online reputation'. It would make the Internet more like the real world. People will be more responsible about what they write and think twice about being rude or nasty.