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4月前半の課題添削 (4/15日までにご応募ください)




この写真を元にオリジナルなストーリーを作成してください。 前後のストーリーを考え、写真はストーリーの一部をイメージしているということで問題ありません。 また、ダイアログ(対話)形式の記述も可能です。 



Teddy met Tina nearly two years ago. He was working as a stand-in for Pooh in Disneyland. She was a backup singer in the 'Bear Country Jamboree'. They see each other from time to time in the staff cafeteria. Eventually a mutual friend introduced them. Teddy was immediately smitten. Being shy, it took him several months to get up the nerve to ask her out. When he finally did, Tina was thrilled. Apparently Teddy left quite an impression as well. Over the following months they went out many times and learned that they had a lot in common. Music, check. Movies, check. Dreams, check. Everything clicked into place like clockwork. Early one evening, they decided to go for a walk and enjoy the sunset. Teddy's heart inexplicably started pounding. A thought popped into his head and wouldn't go away. He wondered, is tonight the night? Tina suddenly stopped to take in the final moments of the sunset. Teddy wanted to reach over and hold her hand but he was frozen. He took a long, deep breath and...

