2月後半の課題添削 (2/28日までにご応募ください)
あなたは、友人(または同僚)からパーティー(または特別なイベント)へ招待されました。 招待してくれた方には好意を持っているのですが、あまりそのパーティー(またはイベント)には行きたくないと思っています。
Hi Jay,
How are you doing? Congratulations on your promotion! You deserve it. Thanks for inviting me to celebrate it. It sounds like it's going to be a hell of a party. Unfortunately, the in-laws are coming for a visit this weekend. I went out the last time they came, so I'm worried that if I do it again, they may think I'm deliberately trying to avoid them. That would definitely ruffle some feathers. How about going out one night next week? Both Tuesday and Wednesday work for me. Just let me know.
Look forward to hearing about what kind of trouble you get into.