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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)




2月前半の課題添削 (2/15日までにご応募ください)


今年のバレンタインデーは、特別な人(または特別でなくても周りにいる人)へ何か「ヘルシー」なプレゼントを贈ることに決めました。 チョコレートではなく、何か別の健康に良いプレゼントを考えて、ショートエッセイ形式で説明してください。プレゼントは食べ物でなくてもかまいません。

※ 海外では、バレンタインデーに男性から女性に贈り物をするところも多くあります。「恋愛」にとらわれず、身近にいる誰かにプレゼントを贈る想定で考えてみてください。


I've decided to make homemade oatmeal cookies for Valentine's Day this year. At first, they may not seem like such a healthy alternative to chocolate. However, my recipe uses half of the usual amount of sugar, so the calorie count is lower. I plan to make the cookies the day before Valentine's Day. I'll make four or five batches (a dozen each) of small cookies. After they are done and cool down, I'll separate them into fancy little plastic bags. I'll tie the bags with some red ribbon and stick a 'Happy Valentine's Day' sticker on each bag. I'm sure they'll look as good as anything you can buy in a store. In fact, I won't even tell people I made the cookies unless they ask. Maybe they'll think they come from some expensive shop in Ginza.

