1月前半の課題添削 (1/15日までにご応募ください)
今日の国際化社会において、人々もより総合的な国際コミュニケーション能力を備えることが求められています。 あなたは"international person/citizen"という言葉に対して、どんなイメージを持ちますか? どのような人が、"international person/citizen"だと思いますか?
あなたにとって、"international person/citizen"とは何であるのかをショートエッセイで記述してください。
An International Person
I think an international person should be able to understand other cultures in more than just a superficial way. In fact, you may not be able to fully understand all cultures, but you should at least try to go beyond stereotypes and understand other cultures on a deeper level. International people are tolerant and not hasty when it comes to judging other cultures. Their motto is "It's okay to be different." An international person is a 'citizen of the world' and thinks beyond borders and politics. If you are an international person, Earth becomes your country.