12月後半の課題添削 (12/31日までにご応募ください)
あなたは、冬休みにカナダ旅行へ行くことに決めました。 友人にメールを送って、一緒に旅行に行くように誘ってください。メールには旅行の日程、現地で何をするのかなど重要な情報を含めてください。
Hi John,
Guess what. I've decide to go to Canada for my winter holiday this year instead going back to my hometown as usual. I'm hoping to get a group together to go skiing in the Rockies. I've heard that there are some fairly reasonable places to stay in Banff, so it won't be all that expensive. There are lots of good deals this year because of the bad economy. I've got my international driver's license, so we can rent a car to get around. Anyway, I was hoping you'd like to come along. I know you've got a week off at the same time as I do, so it would be really cool if we can pull it off. I've already emailed Jun and Mari and they're in. If we can make it a foursome, we can get a better rate on the hotel. What do you say? We're going to the travel agent tomorrow, to see if we can book something. Why don't you come along and you can decide then? Let me know.