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14th Street Christmas Lights


My favorite place to see Christmas lights is in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. There is a great display in Confederation Park. It's a huge park (about the size of a golf course) and every year they put up a giant display of lights. It's called the Lions Festival of Lights. There are wire sculptures of anything Christmas related that you can possibly imagine - all covered with lights. It's hard to know what you'll see, because it's different every year. However, there's a good chance you'll see Santa and all his reindeer, frosty the snowman, and even the nativity seen with Jesus in the manger. The lights are on display all of December and a bit into January. I think the best time to see them is when it is snowing. The snow sparkles with all the colors as it falls to the ground. It's absolutely breathtaking. Also, if you park your car and go for a walk, you can get free hot chocolate to keep you warm. To this day, I still feel that Christmas isn't complete unless I see the lights.

