9月後半の課題添削 (9/30日までにご応募ください)
整形手術は一般社会に浸透しており、低価格化が進むとともに、担当医の数も増えています。 美容整形の人気が高まる一方、批判的な意見も多くきかれます。 「あなたは整形手術(美容整形)についてどう思いますか?」エッセイ形式で意見を記述してください。エッセイには意見をサポートする理由を具体的に含めてください。
There is nothing wrong with plastic surgery itself, but it's important to make a distinction between 'necessary' and 'unnecessary' procedures when it comes to health insurance. Necessary procedures include injuries from accidents, birth defects, and things that are necessary for a person's health. Unnecessary procedures include cosmetic things like face lifts, nose jobs, and tummy tucks. These are things that a patient might want to improve self esteem, but are not medically necessary. Necessary procedures should be covered by health insurance, while unnecessary procedures should not be covered. This clear distinction of two types of plastic surgery would ensure that government money and medical resources are not wasted on patients with too much vanity.