8月前半課題添削 (8/15日までにご応募ください)
あなたはコンテストで優勝し、賞品として「6ヶ月間無料海外ホームステイ」を獲得しました。英語が話されている場所であれば、好きな国、都市を選ぶことができます。 行きたい場所(国、希望があれば都市名、また"農場"などの具体的な場所)を決めて、選んだ理由をショートエッセイで記述してください。 また、地域で訪れたいところ、体験したいことがあれば、具体的に含めてください。
I would love to spend six months in Calgary, Canada, preferably
in winter. It may sound a little strange, but I'm curious about
how cold Canada really is. My teacher told me that it can go down
to -35C in January and February. It's hard for me to imagine, so
I'd like to experience that kind of cold first hand. Calgary is
about an hour from the Rockies, so I would definitely go skiing
a few times. Ideally, I'd stay in Canada from January until June.
By June, I think it might be warm enough to try camping as well.
Camping at the foot of the Rockies is a longtime dream of mine.
Of course I'll also spend some time studying and making Canadian