7月前半課題添削 (7/15日までにご応募ください)
夏祭りのシーズンです。英語の先生、または海外から来た知人や友人を、メールで地元のお祭りに誘ってください。 どんなお祭りであるのかイメージできるように、簡単な説明を含めてください。
Hi Bob,
How are you doing? Are you up to anything this weekend? If you're
interested, my neighborhood matsuri is this weekend. I thought you
might enjoy it. You can even bring your family if you like. It's
not a big festival, but you'll get a good sense of the Real Japan.
There are lots of food stands selling everything from squid-on-a-stick
to chocolate covered bananas. Your kids can try 'kingyo sukui' (gold
fish scooping???) or buy some 'junk' toys. You and your wife can
try bon dancing. I'd love to see that. Anyway, let me know if you
are interested. It's on all day Sunday. Hope you can make it.