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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)




6月後半課題添削 (6/30日までにご応募ください)

新聞やインターネットのAdvice columns(人生相談)は、人気のコーナーです。 今回、あなたは、"Friendly Ear"(コーナーの専門家)で、相談者の悩みに答えます。 寄せられた、以下のa)〜c)の3つの相談うち1つを選び、解決のためのアドバイスを書いてください。


a) Dear Friendly Ear,


I live in a fairly old apartment complex. The walls are quite thin and you can hear the water running in the next apartment. I've gotten used to a bit of noise and I do my best to be quiet as I can. Recently, someone new moved in next door. He's a really nice guy. Unfortunately, he's really noisy. He works strange hours and I often hear him playing music or watching TV in the middle of the night. He often apologizes for it when I see him during the day, but he keeps on doing it. What should I do?



Very Sleepy


b) Dear Friendly Ear,


I work in the office of a small company. There are four people in the sales department and I'm one of them. I work very hard to bring a lot of business to my company. Because of this, my boss has very high expectations. I don't mind, but when we have a slow month my boss tends to blame me. I think it's unfair because even in a bad month, I sell twice as much as the other salespeople. What can I do about it?





c) Dear Friendly Ear,


My mother-in-law is driving me crazy. She lives in the same neighborhood and she often drops in uninvited. I could live with the visits if they were really just visits. They are actually 'inspections' of my housekeeping skills. If one small thing is out of place, she lets me know in a very subtle, extremely annoying way. If I tell my husband, he'll just say I'm imagining things. How can I get her to butt out of my life?



Truly Frustrated






