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5月前半課題添削 (5/15日までにご応募ください)


海外の、ある旅行会社が「日本への旅」のキャンペーンに向け新しい広告案のコンテストを行っています。 目的は、世界中の人々により日本を知り興味を持ってもらい、よりたくさんの旅行者を集めることです。 コンテストに応募する広告案を考えて、エッセイ形式でまとめてください。 オリジナルな英語のキャッチコピー、休日プランの提案、効果のある音楽を推薦する、また、全く新しいコンセプトを提案するなど、形式は自由です。




The best way to promote Japan as a travel destination is to use an aggressive television campaign. The TV commercials should be a series of scenes showing some of the places to see, things to do, and special events to experience. The scenes will go from the most traditional to the most modern. One sequence might start with watching a tea ceremony, then moving on to bathing at an outdoor hot spring, visiting a temple, slurping noodles, taking a train in the countryside, shopping at a market, and finishing with strolling through the neon of Akihabara at night. The trigger the change of each scene, you will hear the same drumbeat that can be heard at a Shinto ceremony. It starts slow and gets progressively faster. Oh course this means each scene will get progressively shorter. On the final beat the scene freezes and the words "Japan, the jewel of Asia" will appear.

