4月後半の課題添削 (4/30日までにご応募ください)
あなたは、靴がオーダーメイドできるイタリアの靴屋のサイト('shoesrus.com')を見つけてさっそくオーダーしました。 このサイトではたくさんのベーシックスタイル(パンプス、ビジネスシューズ,
サンダルなど) を選び、材質、ヒールの高さ、サイズ、追加のアクセサリーなど好きなようにオーダーメードできるようになっています。
Hi Sarah,
How are you doing? I just had to email because I found this great
site to buy shoes. You should check out 'shoesrus.com'. You can
order custom made shoes for a really good price. I ordered a pair
of Oxfords for my husband and some pumps for me. The Oxfords are
Mocha leather and have a slightly pointed toes. I was also able
to get them EEEE for his ridiculously wide feet. My pumps are pale
pink patent leather and have 100mm silver heels. Of course they're
a bit fancy for everyday, but I needed something for my sister-in-law's
wedding next month.
Anyway, I couldn't wait to tell you about the site. I bet you'll
buy something the first time you take a look.