3月前半の課題添削 (3/15日までにご応募ください)
Kindle, Sony Readerなど) しかし、電子ブックの普及に関しては、必ずしも肯定的な意見ばかりではありません。「紙媒体での読みやすさにはかなわない」、また、「本物の書籍に取ってかわるものではない」といった意見も多く聞かれます。 一方、開発者たちは、電子ブックは将来、更に普及し、多様化していくという見解を持っています。 今後、「本」(読書)の形態はどのように変わると思いますか? 電子ブックは、将来、本の主流にとって変わると思いますか、それとも一時的な流行で終わると思いますか?
Personally, I don't think the ebooks will be a straight replacement
for paper books. There will always be some people who want to feel
the paper in their hands physically turn the pages instead of tapping
or swiping a screen. That being said, I see ebooks as a great way
to enhance the reading experience. Ebooks can easily contain all
kinds of content. Imagine being able click on a word to start some
background music as you read about the main character walking into
a nightclub. Or maybe you could click on another word and see an
image of the character is looking at, or click on a video to see
what's in the character's mind. These possibilities lead me to believe
that ebooks are definitely here to stay. They won't replace paper
books, but will give us a totally new way to read. I can't wait.