9月前半の課題添削 (9/15日までにご応募ください)
予期せぬことに、8月の終わりに、あなたの知り合いのEnglish speaker(同僚・先生など)からサマーギフトが届きました。 簡単な"Thank
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the great steaks. You really didn't have to do that.
I know you don't send summer gifts back in Canada. Anyway, we enjoyed
them last night. I barbecued them and they were absolutely amazing.
Each bite melted in my mouth. They were really great. Actually,
there are two left and I have an idea. My wife is taking the kids
to see her parents this weekend. Why don't you come over on Saturday
night and we can enjoy the last two steaks? Bring a few beers and
will make a night of it. We haven't have a 'guy's night' in a while.
Let me know if you can make it.