8月前半の課題添削 (8/15日までにご応募ください)
言語学習には根気と忍耐が必要です。 それだけに、小さなことでも実際に英語を使って、充実感や達成感を得る瞬間があると、学習モチベーションもぐっと高まると思います。 今回は、「あなたの"greatest
English moment"」(実際に英語を使って、達成感や充実感を得た体験)についてエッセイで記述してください。
I'll take it
I must have paced up and down the aisle for at least an hour.
I had decided which guitar I wanted ages ago, but couldn't find
the nerve to ask the salesperson for help. I had to play it before
I bought it, right? The only problem was I didn't know how to play.
This was to be my starter guitar. I felt kind of dumb asking to
try a guitar that I couldn't play, especially using broken English.
Suddenly the salesperson made eye contact. He was on his way over
to me. Panic! "Should I run?" Before I knew it he was
there, "Can I help you?" "I ... I ... I ... want
to try this guitar ...", I stuttered, "... but I can't
really play". "No worries", he said. "Just make
some noise and see how it feels, I bought the same brand for my
first guitar". He was probably lying, but I didn't care. It
helped me relax and I ended up playing with the guitar for the best
part of an hour. He chatted with me about music and it turned out
we were both into a lot of the same stuff. Green Day, check. Led
Zeppelin, check. Rolling Stones, check, etc.. In the end I bought
the guitar and walk out of the shop beaming. I did it!!! From that
moment on, I never hesitated to use English in any situation.