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7月後半の課題添削 (7/31日までにご応募ください)


Beat the Heat








There are quite a few things I do to beat the heat. One thing I always do is carry lots of water. Even if the water gets warm, it still helps you cool off when you drink it. In fact, I've heard that drinking really cold water on a hot day can be dangerous. Apparently it can cause a stroke. Another thing I like to do is keep a kiddy pool in my yard. I bought one of those inflatable plastic pools for kids, and I keep it full of water most of the summer. I know it sounds childish, but it feels great to hop in and freshen up. I've even started inviting my friends and having mini pool parties from time to time. My neighbors must think we're crazy. Imagine seeing a bunch of grownups splashing around in a kiddy pool. It might be a little crazy, but it's a fun way to keep cool. One more thing I do to beat the heat is to carry a small towel wrapped in an ice pack. The ice pack stays frozen long enough to get to where you are going. Whenever the heat starts getting to you, just pull out the cold towel and wipe your face. It'll wake you right up. Anyway, these are just a few ways you can beat the summer heat.
