"Summer Read"
アメリカやカナダでは、いつもより長い夏の休み中に、多くの人が「読書」を楽しみます。 人々は、夏が近づいてくると、"Summer
Read"のための本を捜しはじめます。 戸外で冷たいドリンクと共に読書にふけるのも贅沢のひとつです。
あなたは、"Summer Read"のための本を探している友人からメールをもらいました。 メールで、あなたのお勧めの本を紹介してください。
Hi Hiro,
It's funny you should ask about summer reading. I spend an hour
in Maruzen on the weekend, looking for my 'summer read'. I ended
up getting 'In Defense of Food' by Michael Pollan. It's all about
the importance of eating 'real food' and avoiding 'industrial food'.
I haven't read it yet, so I can't really recommend it. I'll let
you know when I'm done. Last summer I read 'High Fidelity' by Nick
Nornby. It's about a guy who breaks up with his girlfriend and starts
to question why he can't have a successful romantic relationship.
It's very much a 'guy' story. I think you'd love it because the
main character owns a record shop and there are all kinds of interesting
contemporary music references in the story. It's a good read for
music geeks like us.