今回は、以下のリストの中から1つを選んで、まったく知らない人でもある程度理解できるような説明を記述してください。 解りやすくするために、個人的な感想や体験談などを加えてもかまいません。
- manekineko(招き猫)
- mikoshi(神輿)
- geta(下駄)
- shamisen(三味線)
- matsuri(祭り)
- yukata(浴衣)
- onsen(温泉)
- koto(琴)
- yatai(屋台)
- omamori(御守)
I love the sound of geta. Geta are traditional Japanese sandals
made of wood. They are styled very much like flip-flops. Although
you don't see them very often these days, you can usually spot one
or two people wearing them at a summer festival. Geta for men are
usually rectangular while geta for woman are often more oval shaped.
They have two stand-like blocks of wood attached to the bottom that
make a wonderful clacking when you walk. It takes a little while
to get used to wearing them, but once you do people can hear you
coming from a long way off. To me, it's the sound of summer.