海外に住む友人から、6月中にあなたに会いに日本に来るというメールがありました。 その友人は、6月が雨のシーズンだということを知らないようです。Eメールを出して6月は雨のシーズンであることを説明すると共に、服装や持ち物について気をつけることがあれば併せてアドバイスしてあげてください。
Hi Mike,
I'm so glad that you are coming to Japan. I'm really looking forward
to seeing you. I'm just wondering if you realize that you are coming
during rainy season. It's actually not that bad if you don't mind
a little rain now and then. However, you should know that it's quite
humid so pack accordingly. Also, if you plan to do a lot of sightseeing,
you should bring some rain gear. Don't worry about an umbrella,
I have plenty of extras.
Anyway, I just thought I should let you know that you are in for
a bit of a wet holiday. Take care. I'll see you soon.