あなたは今、海外で生活しています。 数年前、まだ価格も高い、50インチのプラズマテレビを購入しました。 あまり使っていないのにもかかわらず、本日テレビが使えなくなりました。 保証書を見ると、保障期間は数ヶ月前に切れています。 メーカーの担当者にメールを出して、数年で故障しまったことを訴えるとともに、検査・修理を依頼してください。
Dear Sir / Madam,
I bought your Sany AZ50 plasma TV about a year and a half ago.
Up until recently I have been very happy with it. Unfortunately,
when I went to turn it on last night nothing happened. There is
no picture or audio. I find this odd because I don't use my TV all
that much. I work long hours and only watch it for an hour or two
each night. I can't help but think the problem with my TV is from
a factory defect. I believe such an expensive product should last
a lot longer than 6 months after the warranty expires. I would like
a technician to come and repair it free of charge. Please have a
customer support representative contact me ASAP to discuss the situation.
Jun Watanabe