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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)




5月前半の課題添削 (5/15までにご応募ください)


最近、有名人(celebrity)に関するニュースが世間をにぎわせており、世界情勢よりも、ヒルトン姉妹が長時間報道されていることもあります。 最近の英語便QA掲示板でも話題に挙がりましたが、世界中のサーベイで、多くの若者が「将来は有名人(celebrity)になりたい」と回答しています。 

あなたはどうですか? 有名人になりたいですか? または少なくとも何かの分野で有名になりたいですか? 回答と理由をエッセイで記述してください。




There is no doubt that being a celebrity would be difficult. I've read that it's like being under a microscope all the time. You need to give up your private life because the public becomes interested in everything that you do. But does it really have to be that way? I don't think so. There seems to be two kinds of celebrities; the ones that seek attention and the spotlight just for the sake of being famous, and the there are the ones who become celebrities as a result of real accomplishments. The first type explains the popularity of 'reality TV', which is something that drives me crazy. The second group are the ones I sometimes admire for their accomplishments. If circumstances put me into the second group, I would be happy. I believe it is still possible to have some control over your celebrity status. As long as you have good people around you, and you realize you have a certain responsibility, I think it would be quite fun. Besides, you'd never have to wait in line at restaurants.


