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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)




4月後半の課題添削 (4/30までにご応募ください)


"How can you have a really fun Golden Week without spending too much money? "


お手軽で楽しいゴールデンウイークの過ごし方を紹介してください。 近場への小旅行、面白いイベントへの参加、パーティーやゲームの企画、家の近くでリラックスする方法など、いろいろ考えてみてください。 キーワードは"'fun' and 'relatively cheap'"です。


Personally, I find it very stressful to take a trip during Golden Week. Traffic is crazy and tourist trips are too expensive so I usually try to find something to do a little closer to home. A while ago I got a great idea for day-trips from a TV show (Burari Tochu Gesha no Tabi). Basically, the idea is to take a train to a station you aren't familiar with, get off the train and have a good look around the neighborhood to see what you can find. I've found amazing shops selling hand-made toys, wonderful little parks to stroll through, and tiny historical sites slightly off the beaten path. I've also discovered some great restaurants and bakeries. The key to finding these spots is asking the locals. People are usually more than happy to share the highlights of the neighborhood. If you are looking for a little adventure without spending too much money, give 'the random train station game' a try.



