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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)




3月前半の課題添削 (3/15までにご応募ください)


春の花(菜の花,桜,チューリップなど)が楽しめる、あなたのお気に入りの場所について記述してください。 情景が浮かぶように、その場所についてできるだけ詳細に記述すると共に、なぜその場所が好きなのか理由も含めてください。




My favorite place to see cherry blossoms is at Yatsu Rose Garden. It's not actually in the rose garden, but in a nice public park just outside of the entrance to it. There are lots of cherry trees even though it's a relatively small park. It is not particularly famous, but it's quite popular with the locals. You should go quite early if you want a good spot, but don't worry too much because there are quite a few. The park is basically a circle and the best spot is under a huge cherry tree in the center. There is a footpath lined with a mix of cherry and plum trees. On one side there is a swing, a slide, some monkey bars and other goodies for kids to play on. Because it's a neighborhood park, it never gets too busy. There's just enough activity to make it interesting. The vibe is very friendly and everyone seems to know everyone. Lots of the people (some of them local restaurant owners) bring barbecues and grill all kinds of good stuff from yakitori to whole salmon. The smell is amazing, and along with the beautiful cherry blossoms and happy faces, there is no better way to welcome the spring.

