アマゾンU.S.で、日本人著者が書いた本(翻訳バージョン)の特集を行っています。 あなたの好きな日本人著者の本のレビューを投稿してください。 ストーリーを簡単に要約し、どんな本であるのか説明すると共に、おすすめ点を(またはお勧めできない点などあれば併せて)記述してください。 著者に関する情報を含めることも有効です。
How to Be a Canadian by Will Ferguson and Ian Ferguson 'How to
Be a Canadian' is written as a kind of manual for people who
plan on visiting or moving to Canada. With a tongue-in-cheek approach,
the Ferguson brothers tell you everything you need to know to be
able to 'fit in' in Canada. The book is neatly broken down into
sections that cover all the basics like; A Cross Canada Tour, Learning
the Language, and Canadian Cuisine (and How to Avoid It). There
is a good laugh in every chapter. As a Canadian, I can say the book
is as insightful about Canadian culture as it is fun. If you know
about Canada, there are a lot of great inside jokes. If you are
one of the people this book it aimed at, you'll find many pearls
of wisdom.
Either way, it's an enjoyable ride. Give it a try.