あなたの友人(知人)が近い将来日本に住むことを計画しています。 彼(彼女)の国では地震があまり起こらないため情報も少なく、日本に住むにあたり地震を大変心配しています。 友人(知人)にメールを出して安心させるとともに、知っておいた方がよいことや、準備しておいた方がよいものなどについて、アドバイスしてあげてください。
Hi Bob,
I'm was very happy to hear you are coming to Japan. You don't have
to worry about earthquakes too much. We get them from time to time,
but they aren't very scary. One thing you should do is find a fairly
modern building to live in. Most of them are designed to be somewhat
earthquake resistant. It's also a good idea to have an 'earthquake
kit' with some water, some dry food, a few batteries, and a radio.
Put everything in one bag and keep it near the front door so you
can grab it on your way out of your building. Of course you should
avoid elevators and stay away from windows. I hope just having this
information will make you feel better. I really don't think you
need to worry.
See you soon,