あなたがヒーローと考える人物、または崇拝する人物に関して800文字以内のショートエッセイを書いてください。 その人物に関する背景と、その人物がなぜあなたにとってヒーローであるのかを含めてください。
George Carlin 1937-2008
George Carlin was an American comedian, actor, and author. His comedy
was often quite controversial for his use of strong language and
sometimes 'taboo' topics. He was a strong believer in free speech and
that's why I admired him. He was also very clever with language and
often spoke about the inconsistency in the way we sometimes speak.
When I was young, George Carlin sparked my interest in language and
the power of words with his now infamous comedy routine called 'Seven Dirty Words'.
It's very funny.