あなたは製薬会社のマーケティング部門に勤務しています。 会社が最近、睡眠をとらなくても一定時間起きていられる錠剤を開発しました。 あなたは売出しキャンペーンのコピー担当です。
The 24/7 pill
Did you know that the average person spends about a third of their
life sleeping? If you live to be 90, you'll spend around 30 years
sleeping. Imagine all the things you could do with that extra time.
It's hard to believe, but now there's a way. It's the 24/7 pill.
taking this pill twice a day, you can eliminate the need for sleep.
The secret is our patented new drug called "alwaysupithol"
which allows you to get the necessary rest without actually sleeping.
"Alwayupithol" tablet is like eight hours of sleep. Try
the 24/7 pill
today and start living life to the fullest.