あなたは最近、勤めている会社の違法行為、または道義に反する行為を発見してしまいました。 会社内で持ち出すとクビになるおそれがあるので、メディアに匿名投稿することに決めました。 メールの中に内容を記述し、メディアに関心を持ってもらえるようなメールを作成してください。
Dear Editor,
I am sending this email with the hope of getting some attention on an important issue involving my company. I'm sure you are aware of the recent scandal involving JT Foods and instant Chinese dumplings (Gyoza) made in China. JT Foods has done the responsible thing and pulled the products from the shelves. However, I work for ABC Grocery and my boss has instructed me to sell the remaining stock. He seems to think it was an isolated incident. I feel an obligation to make this public so more people will not end up getting sick. I hope you feel compelled to investigate this important public health matter.
Thank you for your time.
A frightened employee