西洋では、クリスマスの時期にEカードやEメールで、家族やたまにしか会わない友人に近況を知らせたりします。 主には、今年の大きな出来事(仕事、家族などのニュースなど)を含めます。
Hello Uncle Deno,
How are you doing? It's hard to believe another year is almost over. They seem to be going by faster and faster. I hope everyone at your end had a good year. We can't complain. Joe started junior high this year and seems to be adjusting well. Sue got a promotion and is working more than ever. As for me, business is pretty good. We're not getting rich, but we're paying the bills.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know we are thinking about you during the holiday season. Have a drink or 2 for us. I'm sure we'll see you in the new year.
Happy Holidays!
PS - Sorry I've been so lazy about emailing. I promise to try harder next year.