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ポピー Poppy (red)

Floral language:Pleasure; consolation

The flower color of poppy species include: white, pink, yellow, orange, red and blue; some have dark center markings. The species that have been cultivated for many years also include many other colors ranging from dark solid colors to soft pastel shades. The center of the flower has a whorl of stamens surrounded by a cup- or bowl-shaped collection of four to six petals.


solid color べた一色 / pastel shade パステル調の色合い / whorl 渦巻き状の

stamen おしべ / petal 花びら


菜の花 Flower vegetable

Floral language: -

These "fast plants" are ideal for basic botany and biology experiments, as they grow quickly, maturing in about 40 days. Some genetically modified versions mature in just 28 days. This short growing time makes them easier to experiment with than most other plants. Some of these plants have even been sent to outer space to test germination. Its a water plant that lives in the jungle.


fast plant 成長の早い植物 / botany and biology experiments 植物学やバイオの実験

mature 成熟する / germination 発芽


スイートピー Sweetpea

Floral language:Goodbye; departure; blissful pleasure; Thank you for a lovely time

It is an annual climbing plant, growing to a height of 1-2 m where suitable support is available. The leaves are pinnate with two leaflets and a terminal tendril, this twining round supporting plants to help it climb. The flowers are purple, 2-3.5 cm broad, in the wild plant, larger and very variable in colour in the many cultivars.


climbing plant つる性植物 / pinnate 羽状の / tendril 巻きひげ


キンセンカ Calendula

Floral language:Joy

The common name marigold probably refers to the Virgin Mary, or its old Saxon name 'ymbglidegold', which means 'it turns with the sun'. Marigolds typically bloom quickly (in under two months) in bright yellows, reds, and oranges throughout the summer and well into the fall.


it turns with the sun 太陽の方向に向かう / in under 〜 〜足らずで 


忘れな草 Forget-me-not

Floral language:True love

A small (1 cm diameter or less) flat 5-petalled blue flower growing profusely on straggly stems, flowering in spring. They are popular in gardens, and cultivated forms often show a mixture of colours. The forget-me-nots need shade, not sun.

In the United States of America, the forget-me-not is the state flower of Alaska.


petalled flower 花弁のある花 / profusely 豊富に / straggly ばらばらに広がった


カーネーション Carnation (red)

Floral language:My heart aches for you; admiration

The carnation is a flowering plant native to the Near East and has been cultivated for the last 2000 years. Its original natural flower color was pinkish-hued, but later, cultivars of other colors, including red, white, yellow and green, have been developed. The carnation is the national flower of Spain.


pinkish-hued ピンクがかった色の



アスター Aster

Floral language:Love; daintiness

The name Aster comes from the Ancient Greek word astron, meaning "star", arriving through the Latin word astrum with the same meaning, referring to the shape of the flower head. Many species and a variety of hybrids and varieties are popular as garden plants because of their attractive and colorful flowers.


hybrids 交配種 / garden plant 園芸植物



 Chrysanthemum (white)

Floral language:Sweet and lovely; innocence; pure love; woman's good luck gift

The flowers occur in various forms, and can be daisy-like, decorative, pompons or buttons. This genus contains many hybrids and thousands of cultivars developed for horticultural purposes. In addition to the traditional yellow, other colors are available, such as white, purple, and red.


pompon 玉房 / genus (生物分類上の)属 / ciltivar 栽培品種

horticultural 園芸(植物栽培)に関する
