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'Butterfly king netted in sting' (2007年9月1日版 P10)

アメリカのおとり捜査官が、新参者のふりをして日本人の蝶密売者と、共に行動。 逮捕劇に至るまでのストーリー。

Teacher's review


This story really made me angry. It's one thing to kill things for food when you are starving. It's something else when you kill things just to make money. Of course, this guy didn't always kill things. He tried to keep them alive so he could make more money. I'm not sure who I should be more angry with, the customers who buy them, or this 'Hisayoshi Kojima' who is known as 'the king of insect smuggling'. I'm really glad he was caught, but I'm quite disappointed with his sentence. I believe the reason we are not making much headway with environmental problems is because the penalties for law breakers are not severe enough. I think the fines should be much higher. That way we could use the money to support protection of some of these endangered insects and other environmental causes.

Marcel Morin





rancid  いやな臭いのする   (例) To me, natto smells rancid.
slimy and slithered  手触りや動きがヘビのような
neophyte 新参者・初心者  (例) A lot of recent Apple computer users are neophytes.
cutthroat 競争の激しい (例) High tech electronics is a cutthroat industry.
elude かわす・逃れる
tip off 情報を漏らす
stall  屋台 (例) At summer festivals, there are many food stalls.
assumed a false name 偽名を使う
hone 磨く・鍛える 
lure 誰かを誘惑する
under the table 闇取引 (例) A lot of business deals are done under the table.
immerse 没頭させる  (例)I order to become a good Go player you need to immerse yourself.
spin 実際よりよく見せる (例) Most PR these days is just spin.
moisten 湿らす
trolling 通常は漁業のトローリングの意味。 ここではいろいろなチャットルームに参加して情報を集めようとすること。
berate 非難する・とがめる
backfire 逆効果・裏目


