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'Humans Preveil in first man vs. machine poker game'(2007年8月4日版 P14)

7月に行われた人間対コンピュータのポーカー対決の記事。 今回は、人間の勝利で幕を閉じました。
同記者の英文記事がネットにも掲載されています。 => http://www.physorg.com/news104569997.html

Teacher's review


Doesn't a computer have an unfair advantage when it comes to playing poker? It doesn't need a poker face. It was quite interesting to read this article when I got home from my vacation. Coincidentally, I thought my son how to play poker during this holiday. I hadn't played in years, so it took me a while to remember the rules, especially the strength of each hand. I didn't know that there was much interest in computer poker. When I think of games humans play against computers, I think of chess. Anyway, I'm glad the we (humans) won. I get a little nervous when computers 'outthink' people. Maybe I've seen "2001: A Space Odyssey" too many times
(beware of the Hal 9000).

Marcel Morin


(太字の単語をクリックすると、wikipediaでの解説を表示します。 )


※ unfair advantage 不当な優位性
※ hand 持ち札

※ outthink 〜の裏をかく・より深く考える

"2001: A Space Odyssey"  1968年にリリースされた映画、 『2001年宇宙の旅』の英語タイトル

Hal 9000 映画『2001年宇宙の旅』に出てくる、人口知能コンピュータ 宇宙船内すべての制御をおこなっているが・・・



narrowly  かろうじて、ぎりぎり

prevail  勝つ・勝利する

grueling  非常に疲れる   (例) Taking the rush hour train in Tokyo is grueling.

ride on  〜にかかっている (=depend on)   (例) There's a lot riding on the next US election.

bill 宣伝する (例) Johnny Depp was billed as the next Jack Nicholson by the Hollywood press.

deliberate deception 計画的にだますこと   (例) Politician win elections using deliberate deception.
