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'Buddhist Nun for a Day' mixes religion and role play (2007年7月14日版 P20)

この記事は、外国人記者が、龍源寺に6時間の体験入門した記事です。 コスプレ目的で参加していた同じグループの日本人女性の話などから、宗教に対する時代の変化を記述しています。

Teacher's Review


I think learning about the different religions of the world is extremely important. It's like looking into the soul of a culture. 'Nun for a day' seems like an interesting approach. Many westerners are mystified by Buddhism. However, people trying it as 'cosplay' kind of shatters that image. The story illustrates this very well. It prepares you for a spiritual quest and suddenly it turns into a game of 'dress-up'. These kinds of twists in writing make things much more interesting. It's the main reason I like the story. As for looking into the soul of Japanese culture, I think the story shows the 'Japanese' approach to religion quite well. What I mean is, the Japanese have a very practical approach to religion. Most people I talk to say the aren't religious. At the same time, they participate in many more religious rituals than I ever did in Canada. It's more like a habit than anything else. I like this common sense approach. But I won't be doing any 'cosplay' any time soon.


Marcel Morin



(太字の単語をクリックすると、English wikipediaでの解説を表示します。 )

Methodist   メソジスト教徒(プロテスタントの一派)

hymn       賛美歌・聖歌

ushered into  〜に案内されて

don        着用する・見につける

adorn       飾る・装飾する

sutra       お経

mercy       慈悲・哀れみ

chant       単調に繰り返す言葉(ここでは経を指す)

incense     香

rosary      ここでは数珠  

surplice     白衣

wimple      頭巾

pudgy        ずんぐりした

ecletisism    折衷主義


※ chantは、ここでは「お経」の意味で使われていますが、キリスト教のchantは「聖歌」を意味します。

  chantの試聴ができるサイト => http://www.chantcd.com/index.php/page/shop:samples/

