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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)



10月後半の課題添削 (10/31までにご応募ください)


あなたの"pet peeve" (ちょっとイライラさせること、不平の種)についてエッセイを書いてください。 大きなことや深刻なことではなく、毎日の生活の中でちょっとイライラすることを探してエッセイとして書いてみてください。 




Counting Change


One thing that really drives me crazy is people who insist on using exact change at the supermarket. It happens to me all the time. I'm standing in line at the supermarket and the person in front of me spends five minutes digging through their purse/wallet to find \3,389 in exact change. They are totally oblivious to the fact that there are a bunch of people in line behind them waiting. I have nothing against exact change, in fact, I often have it. The difference is, I work out how much my groceries are going to cost in my head ahead of time, so by the time the cashier has run everything through, I have my money ready. I know it's just a small thing, and I shouldn't get so stressed out about it. I just wish people were a little more sensitive to what's going on around them.

