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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)



5月前半の課題添削 (5/31までにご応募ください)


あなたは持ち物の何かを、どこかへ置き忘れてしまいました。本日訪れた友人の家かもしれません。または、友人と一緒に立ち寄った別の場所の可能性もあります。 友人へメールを出して、探してもらうか、探すための情報を尋ねてください。




Hi Dave,

Good fun the other night! I drank a little more than I should, but other than that, it was a great time. In my drunken stupor, I may have left my pocket watch at your place. I'm wondering if you may have come across it while you were cleaning up. Normally, I don't care much about losing stuff, but this watch has sentimental value. It was my grandfather's and he gave it to me just before he died. If I've lost it, I'll be crushed! Can you let me know if you happened to find it? I'm pretty sure I took it off when I went to the bathroom at your place. Have you come across it? I really hope you have it!

Let me know.


