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課題添削のお知らせ(Member's Only)




1月後半の課題添削 (1/31までにご応募ください)


"What do you want your cell phone to do?" - いくつもの会社が次世代携帯電話について検討しています。また、最近の技術進歩によりどんどん新しい機能が、付加されてきています。 あなたの携帯電話に将来どんな機能があったらよいか考えてエッセイを書いてください。 



  Personally, I don't like talking on the phone. I resisted getting a mobile phone for a long time. When email became available for mobile phones I finally bought one. Now I feel like there are too many functions. You practically need to take a course to be able to use one. I'd like to see a small digital device that is basically an 'empty' computer. Something with no features that can be completely customized with only the functions I want. That way, no hard disc space would be wasted on things I don't use. Mine would only have basic phone functions, audio and video capabilities, web browsing, email, texting, and maybe a high quality camera. That's all I need. It would save me so much time because I wouldn't have to fiddle around looking for what I want to use. Maybe some day.

